Life Insurance from Sudden Diseases and Accidents (SDA)


Life Insurance from Sudden Diseases and Accidents

Life Insurance from Sudden Diseases and Accidents is a product that offers easy underwriting procedures, with only a Medical Questionnaire; for a Sum Insured up to 100,000 euros, in case the insured person passes away during the duration of the policy.

This product covers:
  1. Loss of life caused by unexpended illnesses, as below:
    • Cerebral stroke (vascular-cerebral accident);
    • Myocardial stroke;
    • Acute infectious myocarditis (acute infection of the heart muscle);
    • Rupture of the aorta;
    • Infectious meningitis (acute infection of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord);
    • Infectious encephalitis (acute brain infection);
    • Pulmonary embolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery by embolism, blood clots);
    • Acute pancreatitis (not caused by alcohol) (acute pancreas infection);
    • Acute peritonitis (severe acute abdominal infection);
    • Fulminant hepatitis (infection that completely destroys the liver).
  2. Loss of life as a result of an accident.

Duration of the policy:

The duration of this policy is 1 to 3 years. If the parties, the Insurer and the Insured agree, at the end of this term, the policy can be renewed.


Age limit for the insurance:
  • The age limit to enter this insurance contract is 18-67 years old
  • Insurance maturity: up to 70 years old
How much does it cost?

The price depends on age, sex, and medical condition. In case you have some medical issues, you will have to declare them and get insured with additional conditions.

For example:

A 45 year old male (non-smoker) for the 1 year insurance policy, for the sum insured of 100,000 EUR, pays 200 EUR/year.


What you should do to get insured:

For a Sum Insured of up to 100,000 EUR and an age of up to 45 years old, all it takes is to fill in the Medical Questionnaire. For older ages or higher Sums Insured, we may ask you to do some examinations, covered by SiCRED.


Who is recommended to buy this insurance?

Every individual, who wants to insure his family with a considerable amount and requires a better insurance than just the accidental death insurance, is advised to purchase this insurance contract. The insurance period is limited to a few years, to respond to the client’s desire for protection against sudden death. When the loss of life comes as a result of a long-term illness, it gives you and your family time to cope with its risk; whereas a sudden death can be very dramatic and with serious financial consequences. This is why we recommend Life Insurance from Sudden Diseases and Accidents.

Contact Us
Book an appointment online
Apply Online for the Insurance
Extract from General Terms Conditions
Submit your claim
Information on Insurance Taxes